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20th December 2023
58-60 Beck Bank Cottingham is a self contained two storey property with parking and storage / additional parking to the rear .
The property has a display style window to the front and pedestrian entrance door . The ground floor is open plan and would suit a retail office or restaurant type use. Located adjacent to the main area is a private office with windows to the front elevation. A staircase leads to the first floor which is also mainly open plan it has windows to the front and rear elevations providing very good levels of natural light. Adjacent to the main area is a private office with window to the front elevation . The first floor also has kitchen facilities with a range of wall and floor units together with sink and worktops.
The property is lit via LED modern lighting , heated via a gas boiler to panel radiators but also each area has air heating and cooling units as well as wc facilities.
Externally the property has surfaced parking for 4 cars to the front and an access to one side leads to a rear area suitable for further parking and accommodates a steel storage container than can be utilised by the tenant for storage .
The property has a total floor area is 81.85sqm (881sqft) and is offered on a new 3 year lease at a rent of £13,750pa exclusive of all outgoings .